Hibiscus - Cultivation Guidelines
Hibiscus spp. belongs to the superorder Malvaceae. They originate either in angola and/or Sudan, although definitely in East Africa. Many different varieties exist, whereby H. sabdariffa var. sabdariffa are cultivated to be consumed as vegetables and tea, whereas other hibiscus varieties are planted for the fibres they produce. Hibiscus sabdariffa grows in bush-form, with branches that point upwards, and smaller twigs; the plant is annual or biennial and is classed as a pioneer plant. Depending on the cultivation conditions at the site, and the time of sowing, the plants can reach heights between 1 m and 3 m. They are generally self-fertilising, meaning that their own selections (dark colour, little hair) can be created.
This cultivation guide will provide input on aspects of plant cultivation of organic hibiscus, as well as product specifications.