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This online seminar focussed on three objectives:

  1. Learn about the basics of on-farm composting and why it is beneficial to use compost in your farm.
  2. Insights on how to make on-farm compost and the different aspects to consider before implementing it.
  3. Discussing and sharing experiences on the topic.

Find here the recordings of this seminar's presentation: 

  • Compost - process and its benefits, Ambrogio Pigoli, Consorzio Italiano Compostatori
  • Financial and organizational aspects of on-farm compost, Alessio Capezzuoli, Agronomist
Please note: This documentation does not include discussion and exchange of the break-out sessions that took place within the event. 

This online seminar took place on April, 17th 2024 within the FER-PLAY Project.

Study time: Documentation
Languages: English
Target groups: Farmer/Producer
Partner: FER-Play
Access: Login required
Typ of Event: Online seminar
Topics: Soil management
Content: Learn about on-farm production of high-quality compost and economic aspects of it.
Agricultural Practice: Compost
Self enrolment (Learner)
Self enrolment (Learner)